Tackling the Test & Measurement Market
Tuesday June 22, 2021By Gus Lignos
Vice President Sales, MoSys
Hi again,
I read recently that the test and measurement market is expected to grow from USD 25.7 billion in 2018 to USD 32.3 billion by 2024. That’s a lot of opportunity. Increasingly, the behemoth of a market is relying on massive amounts of data to analyze, manage and improve production and business. Consider specifically the test and measurement system that is used to develop statistics on a system that interfaces with multiple ports of up to 100G Ethernet. The key challenge here is to develop an FPGA-based card which can analyze and capture Ethernet data for line speeds (10G\40G\100G).
The MoSys BE3 device offers the ability to support counter adjustments when utilizing the on chip ALU function. Because of the amount of logic needed to perform the other packet manipulation functions, and because of the number of high speed SerDes needed for Ethernet and memory interfaces, the desired FPGA is a Stratix 10 or UltraScale+ class device. Combining the MoSys BE3 high speed intelligent serial SRAM with one of the high end FPGAs from our partners Intel and Xilinx, our customers can successfully build a subsystem card that achieves the desired bandwidth to support multiple 100Gb interfaces while utilizing a significantly lower number of FPGA I/O resources and ALMs/LUTs, frees up massive amounts of board space vs. traditional parallel IO memory based designs like DDR or QDR and eases board layout/signal integrity issues and often times reduces PCB layer count to save cost and time to market. Need more information or want to discuss your test and measurement application? You can contact me at: glignos@mosys.com.
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